Executive Committee 

Nigel Frater


Plateau School, Molloys Road, Te Marua, Upper Hutt 5012
Email: principal@plateau.school.nz 

I have been part of the WRPPA Exec since 2019 and the President of WRPPA since our 2023 AGM. I have been part of the organising committee for the WRPPA Conferences since 2020. We have a great exec team with a diverse skillset so that we are now in a great place to focus on delivering for our members. I believe our Association should be a National voice and deserves to be heard and we are also responsive to the needs and issues that our members are grappling with. As President, I am focused on listening to our members and meeting their needs while pushing our voices to be part of the bigger picture. 

Shirley Porteous

Vice President

Newlands Primary School, 200 Newlands Road, Newlands, Wellington 6037

Email: principal@newlandsprimary.school.nz 

I have been in various leadership roles in a range of kura across Wellington during my career. Newlands Primary is my second principalship and I love contributing to the community in which I live, by nurturing our tamariki. For me leading others is when I feel 'in my element' and while times have never been more challenging to be a principal, I relish the opportunity to be part of the WRPPA Exec and to give back to my colleagues.  

Liz Rhodes

Immediate Past President

Brooklyn School, 58 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington 6021

Email: principal@brooklynprimary.school.nz  

In 2020 we refreshed our strategic plan into four focus areas Connect, Absorb, Advocate and Celebrate. Trying to deliver this whilst navigating a pandemic was challenging as we planned events, only to have them postponed or cancelled! 

This year we want to focus on connecting with our member schools and provide opportunities to learn from each other as we navigate the Curriculum Refresh and a General Election. 

We have a great Exec team and look forward to continuing to work with them. 

Paula Weston


Greytown School, 73 East Street, Greytown 5712  

Email: principal@greytown.school.nz  

I joined the Exec team as treasurer in 2022 and am enjoying the opportunity to work alongside the Exec supporting the strategic direction of WRPPA.  I'm also a member of the planning team for the WRPPA conferences, and we take great pride in the quality of our offering in this space.  If you have any questions about anything of a finance or conference matter, I'm happy to help or if there is anything I can do as a member of the Exec to support you in your role - please don't hesitate.  

Luana Carroll

Executive Member

Houghton Valley School,  110 Houghton Bay Road, Houghton Bay, Wellington 6023 

Email: principal@houghton.school.nz  

Tena koutou katoa

Ko Luana Carroll toku ingoa. Ko Ngati Kahungunu raua ko Te Atiawa nga iwi.

I am extremely passionate about the mahi we do as Principals, and I consider it a privilege to be a part of it. However, the past few years have been quite challenging, and with all the upcoming changes, we know that it's not going to get easier anytime soon so it is important we work together to support each other.

I joined the Executive because I believe that WRPPA needs to represent, support, and advocate for the diverse needs and situations of all kura in the Wellington/Wairarapa region. I am confident that our association is strong and connected enough to lead us through the changes that we will see in the upcoming years, such as the implementation of the refreshed New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, an election, Strategic Plans, Collective bargaining, and many other changes.

Suzanne Su'a

Executive Member

Waterloo School,  26 Hardy Street, Waterloo, Lower Hutt 5011 

Email: principal@waterloo.school.nz

I'm an active WRPPA member and understand the need for principals to work together in order to make a difference for our tamariki and to support each other during difficult times. The Exec is working together to support and represent their members in the Wellington region.  The current changes taking place in the Education sector have had a significant impact on our schools and students, and our collective voice needs to be heard, as well as continue to support each other through any changes.  Principal wellbeing is important to me and ensuring the increasing demands are managed effectively.  

John Channer

Executive Member

Fraser Crescent School, 16 Redwood Street, Elderslea, Upper Hutt 5018 

Email: principal@frasercres.school.nz 

Kia ora koutou. I am John, the principal at Fraser Crescent School in Upper Hutt. I am passionate about principalship and the Wellington Region. There are significant opportunities for our membership to connect and collaborate for the benefit of our profession. I am keen to see WRPPA offering valuable opportunities to our members.  

WRPPA Virtual Assistant

Victoria McDonald

Email: va@wrppa.org.nz